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safe_image.phpAnd he’s off!  Lawrence Lessig a Professor at Harvard has begun his fortnight walk across the state of New Hampshire.  His aim is to get everyone to focus in what he sees as the greatest block to democracy in America, which is the corruption that comes with Big Money in politics.

He hopes first to bring this issue to the fore in New Hampshire and then by the time we get to 2016 to make this a major issue for all candidates to have to answer.

It’s not just an issue in America.  Big Money from Big Pharma, Big Oil etc infest all the democracies of the West.  Britain complains about this as much as the USA.

Now I know that there are those cynics reading this thinking that it is all just a stunt, a waste of time, gesture politics.  Rightly they realise that the mainstream press, the TV companies, even local press squeezed by their owners, are unlikely to give Lawrence much publicity in the hope he will do his little sponsored walk and go away and be forgotten.

1525389_533710916736713_2055282305_nOhhhh T-shirts!

So…how does one bring this to the attention of as many people as possible?  Well Lawrence does have a Facebook page.  So why don’t you go to it and click “like”. Better yet why not leave a message.  If you are feeling really generous why not make a post on your own FB page and encourage others to drop by and support.  If he gets enough mentions the sheer numbers will force the main stream outlets to give him some coverage.  If you have a blog of your own, then why not give the boy a mention.  Feel free to copy this post if you are feeling dry mentally.

It’s all free, you are not being asked to cough up anything.  All you are being asked for is five minutes of your time.  About what’s left of your coffee break if you’r reading this at work.

Copyright David Macadam 2014